I'm sure that we've all heard the word "doppelganger" It's a person that looks like you but you aren't related in any way. We usually associate it with a celebrity that could pass as our body double.

Almost all of us at one time or another have been told that we look like a celebrity. In the '80s, I had curly hair and I was told that I could have been "Wierd Al" Yankovic's twin. No, I'm not going to show you what I looked like then.

It's been a long time since I was told that I looked like someone else...until Friday night. I was at the Binghamton Black Bears game when I was stopped after Chuck-a-Puck and I was informed that I looked like a famous wrestler.

I'm thinking to myself that I'm in better shape than I used to be but I didn't think that I was in pro wrestler shape. They said I looked like the "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase. For those who don't know who he is, here are some of his accolades.

"The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase

DiBiase was part of the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) in 1979 for a short while. He took on Hulk Hogan in Hogan's first match at Madison Square Garden. He returned to the WWF in the mid-'80s and stayed until 1996.

DiBiase was part of WrestleMania IV and the first-ever SummerSlam in 1988. Here are more of his accomplishments. So I'm thinking that I must be looking good to be compared to "The Million Dollar Man." It turns out that they meant the 2021 Ted DiBiase not the Million Dollar Man from the 90s. It's a great story anyway.

Glenn Pitcher
Glenn Pitcher

I want to say thanks to my newest friends from the Black Bears game, Heather, Dan, Jake, Olivia, and Jerred. It was great meeting you all and thanks for comparing me to a wrestling superstar...even if it's the 2021 version.

So what celebrity do people tell you that you look like?

Here Are Some More Celebrity Doppelgängers

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