I remember as a kid, whatever we did to spruce up your bicycle, would make you very cool amongst your friends. At least temporarily.

I had the handle streamers of course, but what I considered the coolest thing, was attaching a baseball card in the spokes to make that cool sound. You knew I was coming down the street, especially when I had one on each wheel, firmly attached with a clothes pin. Seems I had to replace those cards often, since they would cease to make noise after just a few rides.

Thinking about it today, I wonder just how many baseball cards I went through, and if I had them today, would they be worth some big bucks. When I left home for college, I left my remaining baseball card collection from the 60s at home, and at the mercy of my younger siblings. I imagine they probably ended up destroyed in one way or another over time. A sad reality.

One thing I did not try, was use a playing card as shown in the video below. Which type of card makes the best sound? Did you use a baseball or playing card?



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