Since our Seize the Deal Auction began yesterday it seems like the perfect time to give you some helpful hints when it comes to bidding.

Auctions are probably one of the best ways to get something you really want for a lot less money than you would pay for it in a store. Of course there is also the convenience of bidding on an item in the comfort of your own home, on your iPhone, or if the boss isn't looking at work.

I have purchased many items online this way! Items such as mattress sets, certificates for dining out and even auto detailing, which I saved about 40% off the retail price!

When bidding online, the first thing I do is research the product. How much is the average price of the item? This will give you an idea on how high you may want to bid.

Is the item new or used? In the case of something nostalgic, like an antique or classic piece, you can always contact the auction directly and ask these questions.

Set a limit for how much you want to spend and stick to it! Follow your wallet on this one.

Don't forget to pay attention to the time and dates of the auction. This way you won't miss placing a bid.

Lastly, remember this is a contract to buy so if you have the winning bid pay up as quickly as you can.

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