Radio Shack. My dad loved that place when it was part of Tandy Corporation. We got our first intercom system there, CBs, and all kinds of electronic goodies.

I got record player needles there, my first microphone and my first boom box there. It was ahead of everyone else in its day.

After 94 years, Radio Shack just couldn't keep up with the times. Or at least, in my opinion, the powers that be were so narrow minded they killed the store.

Sorry. Let me get to the point. Since the company is dissolving, stores are going to be closed. According to the preliminary list published by Radio Shack, the Binghamton West State Street store, Johnson City store, and Vestal stores are likely to shut down.

The stores in Endicott and on Upper Front Street are not on the list. Hopefully these two stores will be safe.

While we wait for word, let's celebrate the Radio Shack we knew.

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