As I was driving into work this morning, I heard our new goddess,Kathy Whyte, remind people it is illegal to shoot snow into the road as you are snow blowing in New York.

Not seconds afterwards, I drove past a homeowner on Broad Avenue across from Agway and he did in fact shoot the snow right onto my car! I know why it's illegal now. I couldn't see a damn thing!

It's great that you have a snow blower, but be responsible. Unless you live in the middle of nowhere, it is a hazard and very rude to put your snow in the roadway.

Crews work hard to clean up and you could cause someone to lose control by placing a mound of snow in the roadway. You may say "well they blocked my driveway when they plowed!" So? Where do you want them to go with that snow? They could lift the plow until they get past your house. That would be worse.

Everyone has snow in there way. That's just how winter is. Just keep thinking "one and a half months to go. One and a half months to go!"

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