Valentines Day is this Friday and many couples are still trying to figure out what to do for their significant other. My wife and I just came off a great weekend in which we went out to dinner with another couple and then went bowling, we had a blast and it really made our weekend.

If I can offer a suggestion for Valentine’s Day in addition to a gift, come up with an activity that you and your partner can do together (save the bedroom activities for the end of the evening, or before or both)

Make your evening fun and memorable, I’m no expert but when you laugh and have fun with your spouse, you strengthen your relationship, and it doesn’t take an 85 year old little German woman to tell you that.

Getty Images/ Stephen Lovekin
Getty Images/ Stephen Lovekin








When asked both men and women welcomed the idea of a nice dinner as part of their evening. So you can build on that if you’d like.

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