It's time to decorate for the holidays and start getting ready for mounds of food.

While you prepare and celebrate, remember your pet's safety.

Did you know that holiday plants can make your pets very sick? Over all, about 700 plant varieties are toxic to your pet and several are the ones that we decorate with for the holidays.

If you do want to use any of these plants, just keep your furry kids in mind and keep them well out of reach.

Then there are the visitors and parties. If your pet gets stressed out, put it in a back room away from the chaos.

Now, let's talk about the holiday food. Giving your pet "people food" is never a good idea, but during the holidays it can be downright dangerous. Your pet can develop a life threatening condition called pancreatitis. Artificial sweeteners can cause the death of your pet as well.

We all love our furry babies, so let's have a great holiday and protect them! Here are two great videos to break down more safeguards for your holidays.

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