Have you recently had the last child in your home leave for college or just movie out on their own? Congratulations you are now an ‘Empty Nester’

Many kids are staying with their parents well beyond their teens and into their 20’s for various reasons, the job situation, the economy, and some live with a single parent who does little to encourage them to leave the nest.

We have four kids between us, and only one had moved home for a while, it is not the same as having a child in the house for years, and then have them move out.

I think a lot of kids would prefer to live on their own, away from the parents if they can afford it, and many empty nesters will help their children out a little financially to keep them from moving back home.

Empty Nesters have a new sense of independence in their home and lives, and most of them love their new found freedom.

A new study found that the average empty nester gets over the so called syndrome in about 3 and a half months.

What are the most common things parents do with their unleased time, they travel and go places that they may not have been able to go before, they might remodel a room in the house for a studio, rec room or exercise room, they also have more time for intimacy with no kids to interrupt them.

I also think that empty nesters form a new bond with their children and become less lecturing and more mentoring and helpful towards the children’s adjustments to adulthood.

We enjoy our empty nest but our kids are not far, and we help take care of our granddaughter while one of our daughters attends school and works.

I’m sure we all can relate to the time when we left home and started our lives apart from our parents, so enjoy your freedom empty nesters.

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